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lundi, octobre 16, 2006

Letter to the British

In response to an article published in the Guardian, web edition, on Mon Oct. 26th, 2006.

When I arrived in this country months ago, it was under the strong impression that the British people had responded in healthy terms with the bloody acts of March 11. You did just that... with few exceptions. First let me address something.

Dear Muslims,
I got to tell you something. There are many people on my side of the fence that, by the way, was erected with your effort as well, may even say that they understand you struggle. I mean, realistically, the situation is not that complex to understand and the historical landmarks are difficult to ignore. Franctly, the ware on Lebanon very recently has glavanized forces on every front, except on Israel front i guess. I'll give you a trick to recognized us, we usually gather and chant to the government to stop killing people, all around the world, of any goddam colour you guys think you have! But there is a catch 22 with our support to your "struggle". You see we have no ways to support you in the sense that you have tacticts, sometimes, that truely amount to cold blooded killing of totally innocent people. There is nothing you could try to say, ever, that will be a suitable defence for these crimes. Not in my eyes anyway. We are against killing muslims as you have to be against killers, all of them. I think, this point could be a good starting point to rally moderates, muslims famillies all around this great country and finally give them a good argument against extremists: "We will not accept that you kill innocent people for your cause."


The exception I wanted to talk about is the announcement that Universities have to start spying on their muslim students. Yeah, you can reread this sentence if that went quickly, then think about it, and then realise this. Historically, Universities have been breeding ground for controlled extremists. I mean people that would try hard to think outside the box, to realise innovations in all fields of study, including pure sciences, literature, paleontology, and religion for example. Extremists in human rights have blossomed on university campus all around the globe as well you know. All of that to say that Universities have been breeding ground for the biggest advances in our species, like, for example, realising that we are all from the same species. I know many educated people around us and around you still don't understand this fundamental concept! But hell man, when you do realise it, the colour of your skin does loose soose polish! And then you realise this: With spying strategies like this, you stifle discussions on the source of this "confilct" and possible outcomes. In fact, someone with whom you have been exchanging ideas and arguments on souless economic systems, on degrading quality of life in developing countries because of global warming, on the global price to pay for mis-reading the Isrealo-Palestinian issue, and how immense is our universe and how humble we should feel about it, well this noble adversary might disappear because he was overheard a few times saying islam. Just imagine a world where you can be singled out for thinking! Well, open any book you want, you'll just find that this is happening now because it always was a inefficient way to control a society, by eliminating people who had the strenght to change the world and its views.

Trivia: Did you know the number of British Prime Ministers studied at Oxford? I didn't.

So shame is what I say, the universities must protect their members like they always have in the past. They must refuse at once to serve this role and starting building back the bureaucratic fences between itself and the governmental tactics. The general public must believe that knowledge and open discussion will ultimately bring us light in this dark time.

your truely,
Nicolas pour pasdequartier.net